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About the designer

Award Winning Custom Car Designer

Keith Kaucher

A 25 year plus veteran in the industry brings not only his experience but a deep-seated passion for cars in general. Keith has designed, all types of car projects through the years, from classic Hot Rods, to Exotics. Check out the design gallery to see some of the great cars he’s done throughout the years. Many of his finished custom cars he’s design have gone on to win mutable shows and collect trophies during their show circuit tours.

Keith has a keen sense of style and his degree in industrial design provide clients with detailed rendered designs that are proportionately accurate. This is a key factor in assisting a fabricator building the car of your dreams. Keith works with many custom car builders across the country, several have stated that his drawing scale out within a ¼ of an inch. This not only saves clients time but it also saves them money because it is more cost effective to create or change a design on paper than it is to create or change a design in metal.